How do I know Egg Cult is right for me?

Egg of the daytime. Egg of the night. There will always be an egg in the sky. There have always been eggs to hatch.

Have there always been eggs to hatch?

Yes. There are 23.7 billion chickens on the Earth today. That’s a lot of eggs being produced every second. It’s hard to put your mind around. You have to appreciate those kinds of numbers.

Why worship them?

Because you just have to appreciate those kinds of numbers. It’s often referred to as a, “if you can’t beat em, join em” cult. There are more chickens who belong to the Egg Cult than there are humans, a few times over. All Hail the Ones Who Come First!

What if you aren’t entirely sold that the egg comes first?

That’s ridiculous. A mother always puts her egg before herself.

What It Means to be an Egg Cult Mother

“Well, it’s the chance of a lifetime. A privilege, really. Keeping them warm, not giving up, staying focused. I’m a better chicken for it.” - Momma Chicken.


Yolka Poses for Nesting Hens

  • The Gentle Hen

    The gentle hen cares so much. She is checking her eggs. She is telling them about their Green Coop family.

  • The Wing Toner

    A 21 day incubation means you’ll need to keep your wings toned. Challenge yourself. Please be careful with the eggs.

  • The Nest Builder

    Back to Basics. From your nesting pose reach as far as you can for better straw. Bring it back to your eggs.